Partners Curriculum
Partners for a Healthy Baby is a research-based parenting curriculum developed by a multidisciplinary FSU faculty team with expertise in obstetric medicine, early childhood development, psychology, infant mental health, social work, and early intervention.
Using the latest research and clinical guidelines from their respective disciplines, the faculty team compiled evidence-based strategies for home visitors to use with expectant and new families.
The Partners for a Healthy Baby digital curriculum is a web-based subscription service that provides full access to the Partners for a Healthy Baby content, including the 672 Parent Handouts. Search and quickly find the resources you need. Print, text, or email the Handouts directly to parents.
The FSU Partners for a Healthy Baby Digital Curriculum is a fully searchable, web-based system that’s accessible from desktops, laptops, tablets, or smart-phones. It allows the Home Visitor to easily find then print, email, or text the information they wish to share with their families.
Try it Today!
Partners Training
We offer virtual and on-site training opportunities. Please see the Training Page or email the Training Coordinator for more information.
"I have been a home visitor for 15 years and this training was by far the most interactive and engaging training I have attended."
- B. Anderson, New Mexico

Alignment with Home Visiting Models
The FSU Partners curriculum strengthens implementation of ALL home visiting models by offering a planned sequence of critical topics linked to program goals. It is used by evidence-based models such as Early Head Start, Healthy Families America, and Parents as Teachers.